LIVVITY Wellbeing Wheel Assessment

Find out where you stand on the wellbeing scale in all key life domains based on LIVVITY’s 4 pillars. The more balanced your wheel, the more confident and energized you can deal with the demanding leadership responsibilities while maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Take the helicopter view of your life and identify which area(s) require your attention the most.

LIVVITY Wellbeing Assessment Wheel
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The WELLBEING WHEEL is a tool that helps you reflect on your level of wellbeing in the major life domains. The more balanced it is, the better the energy flow.
To maximize your wellbeing is the ultimate goal – when you feel confident, energized and in full control of your life, as well as having a sense of purpose and meaning.

Balanced Wheel

If you reach all 12 categories with a same or similar score towards the higher end (8-10), your wellbeing is in balance and your energy can flow. The higher the score the closer you are to maximized wellbeing.

LIVVITY Wellbeing Assessment Wheel

Unbalanced Wheel

If your scores differ a lot within one set and/or between sets your wellbeing is unbalanced and you struggle to get your energy flowing. Start working on the most imbalanced set and think about the small steps and actions that you could take that would improve the category by even one point.

Regard the center of the wheel as “0” and the outer edge as “10.” Rank your level of satisfaction in each area. If your life is in balance, you have a smooth circle. If some areas are not fulfilled, consider how adding some intention and focus might improve your overall happiness.

LIVVITY’s Philosophy

The Key Pillars Are:


  • Personal Growth
  • Money & Finances
  • Career & Work


  • Nutrition

  • Sleep
  • Fitness


  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Regulation
  • Empathy


  • Connection to Self
  • Connection to Others
  • Connection to a Higher Energy

Assessment Guidelines

Consider the following steps when filling the assessment for most accurate results and benefits:

  1. Reflect
    For each of the 12 subsets, you will find 8 reflection questions with yes/no answer options. In 11 subsets the more you answer “yes” to the reflection questions, the more likely your score will be high. Unlike for “Fitness” subset, whereas the more you answer “no” to, the more likely your score will be high. Use these questions to reflect on the specific area and it will help you better understand what to consider when evaluating your current state of being in that area of life.
  2. Score
    After you have completed the reflection part, now you can enter your overall score from 0 (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) and rank your level of satisfaction “as is” in each area. The wheel visual will adjust automatically as per your score.
  3. Take notes
    Use the text box in each subset to write down any thoughts that come up while reflecting on this particular area. Note down what is going well, what requires improvement, how would an ideal scenario look like and what is the one smallest step you can consider implementing going forward.
  4. Your Personalized Wellbeing Wheel
    See the results and look at the overall visual picture once every score is completed by submitting your details at the end of the assessment. You will receive a link to your e-mail where you can access your results any time. Now you can see your personalized Wellbeing Wheel. While looking at it, start thinking about prioritizing the subsets. Which area requires your immediate attention and action?
  5. Define Action
    You can consider co-creating an action plan together with a coach who will gently guide you through this rewarding journey of transformation. Working with a coach is essential for long-term success and implementing lasting changes in your life.Enjoy the journey and LIVVITY wishes you all the energy flow needed to become a new version of yourself and go through an amazing transformation!