
Personal Growth

Continuous learning & development. Planning and setting inspiring goals, while embracing growth mindset. Developing healthy habits & routines

Are you satisfied with your personal growth and development?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you believe in lifelong learning?
Do you constantly invest into yourself for self-development?
Do you usually set goals for yourself on both personal and professional level?
Do you believe that your skills can improve over time and your abilities are not set in stone?
Do you usually plan your days and week in advance?
Are you satisfied with your daily habits and routines?
Do you easily embrace change?
Do you regularly get in the flow state; when you get immersed in a certain task or activity?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?

Money & Finances

Have your money mindset work for you and support your dreams.

How do you feel about your relationship with money & finances?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Are you satisfied with your income vs expenses right now?
Do you have an emergency fund or saving available in case of need?
Do you think that saving and investing is important?
Do you have multiple sources of income?
Are you aware of your money related limiting beliefs?
Do you know how to manage your money efficiently?
Do you know the terms assets and liabilities and understand their importance and roles?
Do you know if you have more of good debts or more of bad debts?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?

Career & Work

Find fulfilment in your career aligned with your purpose. Establish work-life harmony and thrive in your work environment.

How satisfied are you with your career and work?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you feel fulfilled about your current job / profession?
Do you maintain a healthy work-life harmony?
Are you satisfied with the workplace as an environment where you spend most of your time?
Are you surrounded by co-workers you trust and respect and who support in your success?
Does your work make you feel you want to jump out of bed each morning?
Do you like and enjoy what you do every day?
Do you sometimes schedule outside activities or gathering with your co-workers?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?


Eating a healthy, nutritious, whole food diet and staying well hydrated is critical for maintaining overall physical and mental wellbeing.

Are you following a healthy, nutritious diet and staying hydrated?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you eat 3-5 times a day in a peaceful environment?
Do you pay attention to the quality of food and prioritize whole food diet?
Do you regularly eat home made, healthy, cooked food?
Do you in general avoid fast food and processed food?
Do you eat at least 2 cups of fruits and 2 cups of vegetables every day?
Do you think you eat healthy?
Do you drink at least 2 litres of clean water every day?
Do you drink less than 2 cups of soda, sugary drink, alcohol, coffee every day?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?


Rejuvenating sleep is vital to every process in the body, affecting mental functioning, performance, emotional wellbeing, and so much more.

How is the quality of your sleep?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you get at least 6-8 hours restful sleep each night?
Do you usually wake up refreshed, well rested and energized?
Do you have an established sleep routine (going to bed and getting up at the same time)?
Do you avoid having electronic devices in your bedroom?
Do you sleep in cool temperature (18-20C degrees)?
Do you have an evening routine before sleeping?
On average does it take less than 30mins for you to fall asleep?
Do you usually fall asleep without taking any medication?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?


Feeling healthy and energized inside out and being in great physical and mental condition through regular, sufficient exercise routine is invaluable.

How satisfied are you with your physical wellbeing?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you have any medical condition, chronic disease, injury or anything else that is an area of concern for you?
Are you taking any prescribed medications or dietary supplementation?
Is stress a major challenge for you?
Has your doctor ever said your blood pressure was too high or too low?
Do you smoke?
Do you live a sedentary lifestyle?
Do you exercise less than 3 times per week?
Do you drink more than 2 cups of alcohol per week?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?


Recognize and understand your own emotions and how they influence your thoughts and behaviors. Communicate more effectively, make better decisions, build stronger relationships, manage stress in a healthy way.

How well do you recognize and understand your own emotions?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you usually identify and are aware of your emotions easily?
Do you regularly take the time to think about your own feelings and reactions to situations?
Do you usually understand why you react the way you do?
Do you usually acknowledge your own weaknesses and mistakes, and work to improve upon them?
Do you easily feel and express negative emotions and let them go for good?
Do you usually consider the feedback of others on your actions and behaviors when making decisions about yourself?
Are you aware of and clear about your life values?
Are you aware of the limiting beliefs you hold about yourself and the world?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?


The ability to control your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It results in increased productivity, greater resilience, enhanced mental wellbeing

Are you able to control and influence your thoughts & emotions?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you usually recognize when you are stressed out and apply stress-reduction techniques?
Do you usually take responsibility for your actions?
Are you an emotionally balanced person?
Do you control your urges to overindulge in things that could damage your wellbeing?
Do you find it easy to set goals and stick with them?
Do you intentionally change what you are thinking about when you want to feel more positive or less negative emotions?
Do you usually avoid conflict and look for peaceful resolution?
Do you apply productivity hacks to help you stay focused on your tasks and avoid distractions?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?


The ability to understand how other people feel, see things from their perspective and be compassionate toward them.

Are you able to relate and understand how other people feel?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Are you sensitive to others, care about their well-being, and want to help?
Do you listen with your heart, not just your head?
Can you “hold space” for others to express their emotions?
Are you intuitive and sensitive to other’s needs?
Can you listen without needing to fix someone’s problem immediately?
Do you often put yourself into others’ shoes to better understand their perspective?
Are you aware of the difference between sympathy and empathy?
Do you usually recognize how your reactions impact others?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?

Connection to Self

Know Thyself - recognize and embrace your individuality, know your values, find your purpose and meaning in life.

How well connected to your inner self?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you know who you are and what is your true purpose?
Are you aware of your values and do you live life in line with that?
Are you aware of your self-limiting beliefs?
Do you regularly connect to yourself? (think of meditation, yoga, qi-qong etc.)
Do you usually listen to your gut feeling and intuition?
Do you take care of yourself first before others?
Do you often engage in activities which bring joy and happiness into your life?
Do you practice mindfulness and being in the present moment?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?

Connection to Others

Being surrounded by a supportive network, nurturing connections which support you levelling up at all times.

How satisfied are you with your relationships at all levels?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you have a nurturing relationship to your family and close friends?
Are you surrounded by positive, like-minded people?
Do you have a supporting network around you who help you achieve your goals?
Do you have several people whom you can talk to when you feel down?
Do you believe that the most important people in your life do care about you and your future?
Do you have a close friend whom you can openly discuss about just anything?
Are you actively part of one or more community group(s)?
Do you usually take initiatives to engage with others and be a positive influence?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?

Connection to a Higher Energy

It can have many different meanings depending on the individual, one’s personal beliefs and spiritual traditions.

How strongly do you connect to something larger than oneself?

Provide Your Score From “0” (completely unsatisfied) to 10 (highly satisfied) using below score bar.

Consider The Below for Your Score
Do you connect with a higher being (God, Universe, or anything else what it means for you) daily?
Do you usually practice prayer / meditation / or other mindfulness practices?
Do you believe that everything happens with a reason?
Do you know what is your purpose?
Do you regularly seek guidance and direction from that “higher power”?
Are you aware of the quantum field and the wealth of possibilities it offers?
Do you intentionally practice being in the present moment?
Do you often think in terms energy, frequency, and vibration?
Take a moment to reflect these questions. What thoughts come to your mind? What is the ONE improvement area you would like to focus on in this section?

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