Can You Have Happiness With A Busy Lifestyle?

work life balance

Everything has become so fast-paced today that you may find yourself becoming busier than ever. As you keep up with time multitasking between several responsibilities, rushing from work to home, and making sure you still have enough time for yourself and the important people in your life, you may find yourself asking whether you still are happy during your in-betweens.

Are Busy People Happy?

Studies show that those who are busy, yet do not feel rushed with their undertakings, are 12% to 25% happier than others. This is commonly referred to as “optimal busyness,” a phenomenon which occurs when people find it enjoyable when they are most productive. This elating temporal flow gives them positive energy and excitement, compared to others who are entirely at rest. In fact, according to research people who are unavoidably busy are happier than those who are idle.

The “Why” Behind the Answer

In a study published by Psychological Science, researchers found that students who kept themselves busy by walking to farther locations reported feeling happier and more positive than those students who remained idle. As a conclusion, the results suggested that people generally prefer to keep busy even when they have the option of taking it easy.

However, despite the fact that busyness can make people feel good, there are a number of reasons why some still choose to be idle. According to the researchers, in our evolution as humans our ancestors needed to conserve energy to make up for scarce resources. This practice persisted, causing people today to avoid expanding their energy without any purpose. Christopher Hsee, the lead researcher, and his co-authors also found that people tend to search for meaning in order to work, clearly showing that we only need a certain, and not an excessive amount of busyness in order to stay happy. Work and life balance remains essential.

Finding Happiness Amidst Busyness

Busyness can either encourage positivity or become destructive, and we all know it. Oftentimes, we may find ourselves stressed out as we rush in a blur, but on other occasions, we may feel energized and livelier as we see ourselves accomplishing things, being productive, and actually doing the work we love.

However, as you find yourself in the “in-between,” finding your direction towards happiness amidst your fast-paced life, you may find yourself getting lost in your obligations and responsibilities. For this, a life coach or a personal coach becomes an essential helping hand.

Personal coaches, especially the best life coach in Dubai, can aid you in setting your goals, finding your path, and monitoring your success as you find optimism amidst your busy life. They will help you find your center as you start your journey toward a life of better decisions, putting their focus on your improvement so you never become intertwined with your old habits that may hinder you from living a happy life in this fast-paced world.

Starting Your Journey Toward Happiness in a Fast-Paced Society

Many associate busyness with stress. However, if you love and enjoy what you do while staying productive, it is possible to become and stay happy despite how busy you may become. Make sure that you live a passionate and productive lifestyle with the help of a life coach as they help you find your path toward your goals. Reach out to LIVVITY for more information.