Transformational Leadership Wellbeing Program

What is Transformational Leadership?

Transformational Leadership is a dynamic approach that speaks directly to the core of effective leadership in today’s rapidly changing corporate world. Imagine a leadership style that acts as a catalyst for growth, innovation, and positive change within an organization, all while keeping the human element at the forefront. That’s transformational leadership in a nutshell.

Szilvia Vitos - Transformational Life- and Wellness Coach, Leadership Coach, Emotional Intelligence Coach, Founder and General Manager of LIVVITY – Maximize Your Wellbeing
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The Transformational Leadership Wellbeing Program

is a cohort-based semi-self-paced group coaching program for experienced Corporate Leaders who are ready and willing to step up for themselves and become true Transformational Leaders.

What sets Transformational Leaders apart from most leaders?

  • Embodying self-awareness, these leaders relentlessly pursue personal and professional growth.
  • Harnessing the power of focus and productivity tools, their disciplined action and innovative strategies turn vision into reality.
  • A culture of excellence emerges as they adopt habits and routines fostering continuous success.
  • Recognizing that peak performance is rooted in health, the importance of nutrition, sleep, and fitness is prioritized.
  • Emotional Intelligence skills are leveraged to forge deeper connections, lead with empathy, and smoothly navigate the complexities of human dynamics.
  • The transformative power of connections is well understood – connecting to oneself ensures clarity of purpose, to others enables collaborative success, and to a higher energy provides sustained inspiration.
  • Leading with both heart and mind, transformational leaders carve out a legacy of growth, innovation, and resilience, thus shaping their organization’s future.

Leading Yourself First Is The Only Way To Achieve Leadership Excellence Without Sacrificing Your Health & Wellbeing.

Next Cohort starts SOON – Join the Priority List to be the first one to know when doors are opening again

Szilvia Vitos - Livvity Coaching

What Some Of Our Amazing Clients Have To Say!

My experience exceeded my expectations. I did not expect to embark on such a rich journey of self-growth. I was surprised at how efficiently I have unpacked many ‘blockers’ and misconceptions. I quickly gained control, perhaps for the first time in my life, of my narrative and my own life.
I am not overwhelmed anymore and not staying late as much as before. The team has picked up. I am being more assertive also and determined.
I am excited about how outcomes are changing when I am changing the way I am dealing with matters around me. I realized how keeping people with similar core values around me changes the energy field that I surround myself with and keeps my thoughts and energy flowing in the right direction.


Coaching is a special process that gently takes you from where you are now, to where you desire to be, by taking into consideration your past experiences. By using a holistic approach that takes into account your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing, LIVVITY offers solutions to help you improve your way of life.
Finding out who you are and what you want, identifying the barriers that have been holding you back, learning how to overcome them, taking positive action, and then maintaining your gains over the long term are all part of the structured process of life coaching with an experienced coach.

ased on LIVVITY’s core philosophy, life coaches in Dubai provide individualized packages with a holistic approach, aiming to balance the 4 key pillars of Mindset, Healthset, Heartset, and Soulset. The package is created with your input, taking into account where you are now, where you want to go, and the circumstances that will support your journey.

We truly believe that the only expert on your life is YOU and you have all the answers you need to improve your life and awaken your best self within. The coach is here to help you access this valuable information and provide support with co-creating and implementing an action plan which will take you to your desired goal.

Coaching is based on the belief that the individual has the answers to their own challenges within them and the role of a coach is to help the coachee bring those answers to the surface by asking powerful questions. Based on the outcomes an action plan will be co-created and followed upon week after week.
Mentoring is more about guidance, direction and knowledge sharing with action plan and accountability.

Would you like to juggle your hectic schedule and feel in control of your life once more? Would you like to regain your energy, form healthy habits, create a great work-life balance, and establish healthy habits so you can perform at your peak in every facet of life?

While you can certainly work your way through any major life events and towards a desired goal, working with a life coach can help you get clarity about your goals, what is holding you back, to see your blind spots and most importantly to clear the way and accelerate the journey towards a more fulfilling life and your best authentic self.

We, at LIVVITY believe that magic doesn’t happen during the session, rather in-between sessions when the actions need to be implemented. Therefore, we are fully accessible for our clients in-between sessions and support them with additional resources, accountability check-in or anything they may need to succeed on the journey towards their desired goals.

LIVVITY’s life and wellness coach is based in Dubai and flexible in terms of setting up face to face sessions at a mutually agreed convenient place within Dubai. Online sessions are available worldwide.

As a member of the International Coach Federation (ICF), we respect the Code of Ethics and maintain strict confidentiality for all your business and personal information.

It can be challenging to break bad habits and establish new, healthy ones for a number of reasons. One explanation for this is that bad habits turn into routines, and routines are cozy. Even if what we’re doing isn’t good for us, it’s simple to keep doing it.

Another factor is that many of our bad habits are connected to coping mechanisms for emotional distress or stress. When we’re anxious, we might eat junk food or drink alcohol to unwind after a long day. It’s challenging to break these habits because we require a different method of handling stress or emotions.

Although we enjoy seeing you in person, if an online session would better suit your needs, it can be arranged. We at LIVVITY are passionate about assisting you in finding the best version of yourself and we will help you in any way we can.

The first step before signing any agreement is a consultation session to determine whether coaching is for you and whether we are a good match to work together. However, it still might happen that only after starting the journey you realize that coaching is not for you. In order to minimize the risk for our clients, we do offer a 21-days money-back guarantee (subject to LIVVITY’s Terms and Conditions).

It depends. To achieve meaningful results, take time, commitment, discipline, and courage. Going through change is a journey and how long the transition takes depends on where you are now, where you desire to be and what level of commitment you bring along. A successful coaching process takes several months, and most people find coaching so beneficial that they stay longer that they initially anticipated. Nevertheless, to ease the level of commitment for our clients we start with a 6-sessions agreement (valid for 2 months from date of purchase) and renewal can be customized based on your progress, needs and requirements. Each session takes 60 minutes followed by assignments and additional resources. We also encourage you to stay connected in-between sessions and ask questions and keep us posted about your progress to maximize the benefits of coaching.

LIVVITY offers customized programs in partnership with Soha Chahine Coaching, so your employees can live a healthier, happier life while the company will thrive more than ever before.