Does The ‘Dream Job’ Actually Exist?


You have your heart set on a dream job when you first enter the workforce. It’s the job that seems magical and provides you with the money, status, and career you don’t dread going to every day. Unfortunately, when people learn that even the best jobs will have elements they don’t like, they lose hope.

Is it possible that the term "dream job" itself is just a bit misleading? Why does society place such a high value on striving for excellence when perfection is impossible? Why would the workplace have perfection when nothing else in life does?

You’re setting yourself up for failure if you’ve been working menial jobs one after another in search of your dream job. Here are a few explanations for why the ideal job is not available.

Dreams Are Constantly Changing

It is entirely possible to find a job that satisfies one’s passion. That one job, however, is probably not going to hold the title of "dream job" indefinitely if someone has multiple passions or if those passions change over time. It’s likely that your career will take you on many adventures. Dream big, be adaptable, and periodically ask yourself what your ideal job would be right now.

You might be able to locate a fantastic job that fulfills you and makes you happy. There is a problem with having multiple passions because they can change as you do. The business career you imagine when you’re 18 won’t look the same when you’re 40.

The Best Motivation Is Internal

You might hold more than one position in your lifetime that falls under the category of a dream job. You must always keep in mind that there is room for improvement and growth. The need for internal motivation is one thing that will never change.

The most important thing is to remain mindful of where you are in your life right now and to follow your instincts. Don’t be concerned about office space, a plaque over the door, or a fancy title because you have the ability to make your dream a reality. Nothing else matters if you are engaged in what you love.

It Is In Our Nature To Wonder If There Is More

Eventually, everyone will ask themselves questions like, Is there more out there?," regardless of whether they run a fast food restaurant or hold a high position in the corporate world.

To seek and look for more is in our very nature as humans. You might already be working at your ideal position, but because you are focused on finding it, you fail to notice what is right in front of you.

It All Depends on Your Mindset

How many times have you promised yourself that you’ll be content and live when you get this raise? After receiving the raise, you still desire more. It’s because relying solely on material possessions to bring you happiness in this life will never make you content.

Why not put your attention on the things that make you happy instead of searching for the job of your dreams? Perhaps you enjoy volunteering and working with the homeless even though this line of work could never support your family. There are no laws prohibiting you from pursuing your passions while working a 9 to 5 job.

Find a job that pays the bills, makes you happy, and you enjoy going to every day. Then, it’s okay if you need to incorporate your other passions to achieve that inner fulfillment. One of the hardest lessons you’ll learn in life is to modify your expectations for the dream job.

You are driven to do and earn more by your very humanity. But eventually you have to develop the ability to be happy with what you have in this life.

An article from Psychology Today provides us with good advice: rather than believing the myth that you will always be happy, you should aim for the more realistic goal of contentment.